Does it happen to you at times that you are riding your motorcycle and you have to pull your throttle so much that your wrist twists completely but you haven’t still hit the maximum of your throttle? In this scenario, the motorcycle riders have to make several adjustments to reach full throttle.
Throttle Setting Tweak for a Better Ride?
This process is quite annoying and at the same time some riders get tired of pulling the throttle again and again – it even gives pain to their wrists. This happens because of the smaller pulley that resides on the throttle cam as installed by the manufacturer.
There is a way for motorcycle riders to work their way around this problem. They can tweak the settings on their throttle and do the settings to attain a quick turn throttle. Hit is also named as quick action throttle because when you have done this tweak you just need to twist the throttle very little and it reaches its maximum second i.e. you get maximum throttle that is possible on your motorcycle.
This allows the riders to get speed faster after deep turns and high bumps. However, these settings are not suitable for everyone – some bikers prefer to keep the default settings because quick action is a very jumpy experience for them.
Step By Step Guide To Quick Turn Throttle Using PVC Fitting
- Take epoxy or other similar glue, a PVC fitting (SCED40 recommended) and a sander. If you can’t find a sander you can also go for a dremel.
- Measure the length (technically width) of the throttle cam and then mark the PVC fitting at 1/16th inch of the throttle cam with a sharpie. A band saw should help you in doing that.
- Now you have a small loop of PVC fitting in your hand. We need to cut some part of this complete loop. Cutting 5/8” from this loop should be good. This is for the purpose of fitting the cut PVC fitting on the throttle cam.
- Now that the PVC loop has fixed on the throttle cam like a clamp you will need to use sand paper in order to shape its ends. This will taper the ends of the loop of your PVC.
- Once again you will use the sand paper for sanding the sides of the PVC fitting and throttle tube cam so to make their ends rough. This allows for the glue or epoxy to stick to them firmly.
- The uncut side of your PVC fitting, which is the smooth side that you didn’t touch while cutting it, should be kept on the inside and the cut side should be glued. The excess PVC will hang outside the throttle cam. Any excess glue that you see must be removed.
- After your glue has settled you will need to make sure that the throttle cam and the PVC fitting are exact size and that no amount of PVC fitting is hanging outside the cam. The outside of the cam needs to be sanded to ensure smoothness.
- The metal tabs that you find at the end of the cables can also be removed here but if you don’t wish to remove them you can simply twist the throttle many times until you have reached a point where you can feel smoothness in the twisting of your throttle.
- After doing these steps you can now continue with the installation of slack cables and throttle tube. Check binding by doing several readjustments at this point. Don’t forget to grease the inside components of your throttle before going for the housing.
With a Flick of the Wrist, No More “Wrist Twist”
Once you have completed all these steps carefully and without making mistakes, you will achieve the great results of your hard work. See how easy that was? And all with a flick of the wrist! Now your motorcycle will gain more speed without fully twisting your wrist. Just a little twist on the throttle should open the valves to maximum and give you full gain. If everything has worked fine for you then you should not feel any roughness in rotating your throttle tube. In the beginning, the feeling might be a little jumpy for you but soon you will get used to it.